niedziela, 2 listopada 2014


Today was a perfect day to dig some holes in my garden. Especially that I had bought about 90 tulip's bulbs. Why 90? Why not! There was a great sale in OBI's garden.

Lying in my garage the tulips were waiting for a perfect weather to be planted. 'Perfect weather' more or less means 'when I find in my heart enough enthusiasm to do this job' ;)

I've dug the first hole, the second, and after the third one this easy idea has come to my mind - 'What the hell I was thinking about buying 87 bulbs more!' I've given up and asked my husband to finish digging and my daughter to finish putting the bulbs into the holes.

This is the result when bad sale happens to good people ;)

Dear friends! Remember - do not buy anything just because it is cheaper then it was yesterday ;)

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